Transfer Impact Assessment (TIA)

Streamline your third-country transfers and save countless hours of work

Step up your efficiency with ComplyCloud's quick and seamless Transfer Impact assessment (TIA)

Save time and costs with fast TIA creation

Make TIAs in as little as 30 minutes using our user-friendly software. The automated risk assessment and questionnaires let you produce all mandatory documentation in no time.

Automated risk assessment

Eliminate the need for exhaustive examinations of recipient
countries’ legislation. ComplyCloud’s TIA offers automatic risk
assessments for key countries, including India, China, Ukraine,
Mexico, Philippines, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, and Pakistan.

Legal and technical support

Access both technical and legal support quickly. Ensure your TIAs
meet the GDPR requirements seamlessly – all in one comprehensive solution.

See it in action

Ready to see how it works inside ComplyCloud?
Sign up for a personalized live demo today.

Trusted by companies like yours