Compliance document generator

Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all document templates

Automatically generate compliance policies and documents with expert written contentbased on simple guided questionnaires.

Trusted by companies like yours

How does it work?

It’s just like 1, 2, 3 and you will have all your legal documentation in place:


Choose a document or policy and fill out the information through a compliance questionnaires.


Based on your answers, our award-winning algorithm generates a final document - as if it was done by a lawyer.


Access all documents in the repository, and easily update or export them. Now, you can demonstrate your compliance with documents that align with the law.

Create documents like a lawyer

Our algorithm customizes each document to your specific business needs, utilizing over 100 billion outcomes for precise results based on your answers.

Collaborate, review, and track changes

Collaborate seamlessly on documents with version control and comments. Work efficiently on your compliance documentation while maintaining access to a complete audit trail.

Share documents with ease

Share your latest documents with a single public link. Export and share with stakeholders at any time through the document repository.

Send for reading and signing

Easily enable customers or employees to approve and sign documents. Keep track of everyone who has viewed and signed important policies.

Pass audits with confidence

Mapping your activities sets the stage for compliance, but it's the accuracy of your documentation that ensures passed audits. Rest asured knowing your compliance documents are always ready when needed.

See it in action

Ready to see how it works inside ComplyCloud?
Sign up for a personalized live demo today.

Trusted by companies like yours