Risk Management

Structure your risk management and gain full visibility

Say goodbye to endless spreadsheets and use our software to guide you through risk management workflows based on ISO.

Trusted by companies like yours

Categorize and protect your critical assets

Start with high-level risk assessments to categorize and prioritize your most critical and vulnerable assets.

Easily add assets and gain a clear overview of where to prioritize your time.

Do risk assessments up to 90% faster

Skip the hassle of inventing threats, risks, and security measures from scratch.

We regularly update our threat and risk catalogue based on ENISA’s recommendations, so you can focus on addressing real risks effectively.

Identify and address risks with threat-based assessments

Evaluate risks by assessing threats and adding security measures to each threat and asset.

Our threat-based assessments give you the clarity you need to get the right security level for your organization.

Assign tasks and deadlines

You can ensure accountability by appointing people responsible for specific risks. This way, you can also distribute risk management tasks throughout the organization.

Work faster with AI-powered suggestions

Use ComplyCloud AI to automate the heavy lifting when assessing risks for data subjects or your organization based on your threat landscape.

Get a risk overview of vendors and systems

With one click, you get a complete overview of risk levels for all your vendors and systems. This allows you to easily connect your processes, keep an overview, and prioritize your tasks.

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Document your risk management

Quickly generate policies, get a concise risk overview, and produce customized risk assessments and mitigation plans. That way, you're well-prepared for potential audits.

See it in action

Ready to see how it works inside ComplyCloud?
Sign up for a personalized live demo today.

Trusted by companies like yours