AI Act: How to classify and risk assess your AI systems


Recorded on:

September 26, 2024


Martin Folke Vasehus
CEO, Founder and attorney, ComplyCloud

About the webinar

The AI Act came into force 1 August which means the deadline for the different  regulations are now set. In our first webinar in the AI Act series, our CEO, Founder and lawyer Martin covered “Everything you need to know about the EU’s new AI regulation”. Join Martin at our second webinar of the AI Act series 26 September from 11-12 when he guides you through how you classify and risk assess the AI systems that you use in your business according to the AI Act.


  • How do you classify your AI systems?
  • Why is it important to map your AI systems?
  • How do you risk assess your AI systems?
  • What risks should you consider?
  • How does the AI Act differ from GDPR, NIS2 and ISMS?

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About the hosts

Martin Folke Vasehus
CEO, Founder and attorney, ComplyCloud

Martin is a attorney and has solid experience in compliance and IT law both as a consulting lawyer and as CEO of ComplyCloud. In 2017, Martin founded ComplyCloud, a full-service SaaS platform, with the ambition to make compliance easy and uncomplicated.  In addition to advising customers and leading ComplyCloud, Martin is an experienced educator.